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Onwards March the Updates.

Let’s see, I’m planning a few entries regarding my inspiration and influences, why I write, that sort of thing. I’m hoping it will be somewhat interesting and maybe different enough to the array of other entries from prospective, up and coming authors etc. Plus should add some dimension – albeit a small dimension – to me as a person. Well that’s the aim anyway.

I’m trying my best to keep some form of regularity to this blog. Its just trying to get into a rhythm and just sit back and type away. I see a Blog as where you put something thought out and detailed. Not like Facebook and Twitter where you can just spout such posts as ‘I ate Wheatabix today now I’m off to work’. So the delays tend to be caused by my trying to type something thought out and maybe even relevant.
I’m going to try for a post a week, eventually evolving to the point I can get reviews out frequently along side my writing related posts.

Keep Turning Those Pages

Horse Meat is the best thing to happen in years.

There, I said it. Horse Meat in our burgers is a good thing. No I’m not I insane. I think I’m being rather reasonable. I’m writing this after I finished eating a double beef burger from my favourite Burger Van on my way home from a trip into town. Honestly I can say it was one of the nicest burgers I had in a long while. If it had horse Meat in, I couldn’t care less, if that’s what made it taste so nice, then give me more.

The only issue I see is people complaining at false advertising. People still eat meat, even though there may or may not be Horse Meat in them. Does it taste any different? Heck no. If the slight misprint on food contents hadn’t have been made public, we would have been none the wiser and carried on sampling yummy horses.

Another reason I’m pro horse, my parents have recently started buying their meat from a local Butchers. They have done this because of the Horse Meat scandal, i say scandal when it’s really just a small issue of false advertising. Surely this can only be a good thing, I thought the Government wanted us to keep our high streets alive buy shopping there more. Local Butchers are a part of that. I’m going to make a likely assumption that my parents aren’t alone in the switch to local meat hanging people because of this.

Heck why stop at small percentages of Horse Meat, why not make it a meat you can eat on its own. We have Cow, Pig, Lamb, Dog, Pheasant, Squirrel, Chicken, Duck, Dog. So let’s add Horse, it clearly is a nice Beef substitute. Heck we have Horse Racing where horses do die while being used for this sport. So when a horse dies, we can serve it to the winners as a high class meal. At least that way they are put to use. Plus with all that whipping the meat would be nice and tender.

I see no reason to avoid the issue any longer. Eating Horses is nothing but a good thing.

Thoughts Emptied, Pages and Words Added

The title of ‘Empty Thoughts’ is no more, yes we shall weep. Why you may ask? Simply put I wasn’t happy with the title. Looking over other blogs they all had titles attributed to the blog contents or them as people and most titles are unique to them, brought on my a moment of recklessness or thoughts long dwelled upon. While ‘Empty Thoughts’ fitted me it didn’t really do so with the blogs contents, as a result the title has been changed. So as of this post the blog is currently called ‘Collected Pages with Added Words’. I think it fits me and sort of what the purpose of this blog is. Tough like many things in development, the title is still in a state of flux and may yet change once more. To me, the title of this blog will be like trying to decide the title of someone’s first book. It needs to feel right since its what you want to be known by, so -to me at least- this change is a big deal. ‘Collected Pages with Added Words’ has a nice ring to it if you ask me.

Keep Turning Those Pages

Here Comes an Update regarding Yours Truely, Vamoose!

First up, I just want to congratulate myself for using vamoose, it’s a great word which seems to be slowly fading from use, so if cause the salvation of such a great word with this entry I will be proud. The fact that the proofreading feature is prompting me to change vamoose to caboose or moose, is evidence the word needs more usage. Yes im well aware that my use of vamoose is contradictory to the purpose of a blog in that I want people to read its contents, but it was my poor attempt at witticism and humour.

My writing has stalled for now, not through lack of trying but im struggling to write a few scenes to a level im happy with, I know they say writers are their own worst critics, but in this case I say its twaddle and I am right. I’m just not happy with it, ive gotten what I wanted penned but there is just something about it that no matter how many times I rewrite it, it just ‘feels’ wrong. After rewriting it 4 times now ‘from all the angles’ im becoming convinced that it just doesn’t fit and tempted to omit these scenes. Yes im maintaining its not me it’s the writing, which I know through extension is me, but again ill protest such notions and that it genuinely isn’t any good.

Though speaking of criticisms of writing, an acquaintance I hadn’t seen for years spoke to me a week or so back, and he too is writing. So we talked and about what we both want to write which as it turns out is fantasy, so he has asked me to critque what he has written for him. I was touched, having let only one other person read my work to have someone ask me to read theirs was a nice feeling. I have never done this before so really interested both by his work and how I will take to giving criticism and feedback. Reason being is, even though only one person has read the entirety of my work he gave me feedback which though I accepted I had issue with since I wasnt happy with his feedback, since when something is positive I do wonder if its genuine honesty or just attempting to reassure. So to be in a position where I would be giving feedback will be interesting. Plus hopefully maybe this will give me more belief in my work when people praise it?

I’m still pursing with my Spider-man Protest by reading every issue to reach print until ASM #700 and i must admit its great rereading it, im still ploughing through Stan Lees run as writer, at the time of writing this im on ASM # 114. Just loving it all, got to re-read the first ever comic appearance of one of my favourite Marvel characters:  Morbius the Living Vampire. Read the classic Master Planner story line, along with the Tablet of Time, Death of Captain Stacey story lines to name a few highlights. Loving John Romita Snrs artwork, so much better than the Ditko stuff. Cant wait to work my way to the Mark Bagley, John Romita Jnr art too as i progress through the issues. Though all this Comic book reading has left my intake of books rather low, with me only managing to start Priests of Mars by Graham McNeill last week, which while im enjoying what ive read thus far, just doesn’t compare to my enjoyment of Spidey at this present time.

I’ve planned a few blog entries about my inspiration to write, my influences and all that jazz along with a few more reviews so keep an eye open for them, that about all for now.

Keep Turning Those Pages

Appealing to the masses just to realise it’s rather lonesome

I made this blog little over a month ago after years of trying to decide how best to ‘put myself out there’. I thought about Podcast ingredients but realised I haven’t got the voice or coherency for radio. I thought about YouTube but realised I haven’t got the face of an angel and would possibly require frequent facial trimming to appear presentable. This left the usual suspects, Twitter, Facebook or Blogging. Twitter I detest because of its spam like nature, hashtag mentality and horrible word limit. Facebook was also down since I don’t hundreds upon hundred of ‘friends’. This left Blogging. But now that I’ve made the damned thing now what?

WordPress frequently offers me ways to improve my blog. The current method it likes to prompt me with is making a Gravatar – which if you stop a think sounds like a Pokemon – which is a globally recognised avatar.  Now it sounds like a neat idea, but what the hell am i meant to use for it? Should i go with an image of me? Which leads the question of me what image should i use? An image of me with my inquisitive face, my serious face, or the good favourite the Zombies are coming run for your lives. I’ve seen a few blogs with just random icons and such so maybe i do one of them. Or maybe i create my own logo? It says use a Gravatar,  but gives me little help with regards to what i should use.

So even when i do create a Gravatar, would  it really help? I will still be a little square posting and liking others’ blogs and posts. Still, why be so down, blogging is the new frontier and sail it I shall and will commence pondering what image to use. So bloggers beware, no longer will you be followed by a square using the WordPress Logo as default and instead be follwed by a square whos image at this point is undecided!